21 Stylish Looks Featuring Short Haircuts For Black Men

Short haircuts for natural hair are preferred by the majority of African American men for a reason. They require little to no maintenance, look neat and are ideal for an active lifestyle. So, you’ve made your mind to have a short cut. There are some really cool looks below to imagine visually what exactly your perfect haircut should be like.

Extremely short, closely cut haircuts opening the forehead are very popular among handsome black men. Millions of guys duplicate Will Smith’s effortless style and are pretty happy with it. Short crops highlight your facial features. Whether you want your style to feature the smooth or angular line of hair growth at the temples, the choice is yours.

Short ‘fros are ideal if you want to show off the texture of your natural hair but do not want your cut to be neither too short nor long. The most stylish ‘fro’s have the longest hair on the top and fade on the sides. Razoring on the sides also looks super clean and attractive.

Short faux hawks allow sporting your favorite style and looking professional without making it too extreme. Go for a neat faux hawk from the photo below if you feel like trying an edgier look.

Think that everything mentioned above is rather boring? Well, you can have some fun with patterns. Patterned short hairstyles are popular among younger black guys. Some of modern patterned cuts are fancy, while others tend to be extremely creative and a bit on the crazy side. Why not? As long as it helps you to express yourself…

Ok, these were the most popular haircuts for black men. If you still haven’t found your ideal style, more cool ideas can be found in the related galleries – fade haircuts for black men and mohawks for black men.

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