16 Terrific Long Hairstyles For Black Men

If nature and your parents’ genes have blessed you with beautiful healthy hair, there’s a sense in growing it out and styling smartly. At least you won’t look like every second guy in the street. Speaking of long hairstyles for African American men, the first thing that comes to mind is braids, but not only. Here you’ll find only the most eye-catching long hairstyles for black guys.

Shoulder-length natural curls are a classic Afro look. Most men wear them centre-parted, opening the forehead, or in a sort of swept to one side style if texture allows. Younger guys can try A-line styles with free coils falling on the forehead and cheeks. Another fun male style suggests trimming your curls in a rounded shape with the longest hair standing upright on the top.

Dreadlocks are super flattering for African Americans and, definitely, look cooler on men than on women. These create a fantastic look when being scattered over your shoulders and top of the back. For a more formal style it’s enough to gather them into a low ponytail.

If a fancy braided look seems more appealing to you, try neat cornrows running vertically off the forehead. Most men dislike overly fancy styles, sticking to classy patterns, like this one. More versatile braided hairstyles can be viewed in the gallery braids for men.

Twists are fun and, I’d say, manlier than braids. A full head of thick curls is a treasure, but a man always needs to look neat and fresh. Twists keep luxurious coils off your forehead and face and offer a classy pattern that is alternative to braids. Even hair extensions look cool in long twisted men’s hairstyles.

Well, these were some ideas on how to style your mane. More interesting looks for your hair are displayed in the gallery curly hairstyles for black men.

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